Hi Drupalars,
Adding conditional classes was fairly easy for each case , which is achieved by following code
By doing , new problem arises about image aspect ratio getting distrupted.
As i was using Picture module for creating different version of image for each breakpoint for our responsive web site.
So i had to also change the picture mapping of image. So i created two new picture mapping and applied conditionally by using following code
Recently i got a task
"to provide an option in paragraph item to display a image grid 3 by 3 or 2 by 2"
3 by 3 grid |
2 by 2 grid |
Adding conditional classes was fairly easy for each case , which is achieved by following code
* Implements hook_preprocess_entity().
function YOURTHEME_preprocess_entity(&$variables) {
if (!empty($variables['elements']['#entity']->field_show_50_50)) {
if ($variables['elements']['#entity']->field_show_50_50['und'][0]['value'] == "1") {
$variables['classes_array'][] = 'show-50-50';
if (!empty($variables['elements']['#entity']->field_show_100)) {
if ($variables['elements']['#entity']->field_show_100['und'][0]['value'] == "1") {
$variables['classes_array'][] = 'show-100';
By doing , new problem arises about image aspect ratio getting distrupted.
As i was using Picture module for creating different version of image for each breakpoint for our responsive web site.
So i had to also change the picture mapping of image. So i created two new picture mapping and applied conditionally by using following code
function YOURTHEME_field_display_paragraphs_item_alter(&$display, $context){
$entity = $context['entity'];
if($context['field']['field_name'] == 'field_image' && $context['entity']->bundle == 'voices_tile'){
$hostEntity = $context['entity']->hostEntity(); // image field inside a parent paragraph
if($hostEntity->field_show_100[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] == 1){
$display['settings']['picture_mapping'] = 'voice_picture_mappping_1368x455_';
if($hostEntity->field_show_50_50[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] == 1){
$display['settings']['picture_mapping'] = 'voice_images_50_50';
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